United against environmental crime

Drapeau européen

Protecting our planet is a shared concern: UNITE takes action to stop environmental crime and aims to contribute to the global efforts to reduce humanity’s impact on nature. Together, we can succeed.

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About us
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Unite is a European program dedicated to tackling environmental crime.

From 2022 to 2024, our project is funded by the European Commission's Directorate General for Home Affairs via the Internal Security Fund Police. We fight against criminal networks involved in waste or endangered species trafficking, including illegal trade in timber, in and via the EU, and to recover the assets generated from these illegal activities.
While people throughout the world are raising their voice to protect our planet, illegal networks continue to cause severe damages to the ecosystem on a global scale. It is our responsibility to fight against environmental crime.

To achieve its goals, UNITE works on a transnational level and brings together law enforcement agencies, EU agencies and NGOs. It will also aim to engage with stakeholders from the financial and private sectors and the general public. The project will be led and implemented by the French Gendarmerie (OCLAESP), the Italian Carabinieri, the Guardia Civil (SEPRONA), the Hungarian and Slovak police forces and the NGOs IFAW, WWF Hungary, WWF France, WWF Belgium and TRAFFIC's in-kind support. UNITE can also count on the support of EUROPOL and CEPOL to achieve its objectives, as well as the 17 participating European countries : Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, North Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Slovenia, Ukraine and Georgia.

Professionnels faisant des analyses
Logo WWFLogo WWF
Logo Ifaw
logo Guardia civil Espagne
logo Gendarmerie nationale
logo Carabinieri
logo Police slovaque
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Acting on a Transnational level to protect our environment

Our integrated and multidisciplinary approach with an international dimension makes it possible to cover a broad range of activities in the fight against environmental crime.

Collecting and sharing strategic intelligence regarding waste or endangered species trafficking, including the illegal trade in timber as well as their related financial flows.
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Collecting and sharing strategic intelligence regarding waste or endangered species trafficking, including the illegal trade in timber as well as their related financial flows.
Capacity building
Providing law enforcement agencies with tools and training, notably regarding ivory trafficking, cyberpatrols and financial investigations.
Taking action
Investigating and conducting transnational operations to dismantle criminal networks involved in waste or endangered species trafficking, including the illegal trade in timber.
Strengthening the link with Asian, South-Eastern Europe and African partner states.
Raise awareness
Encouraging the financial institutions, transport and online companies to act to stop endangered species trafficking, and mobilise waste companies against trafficking.
Key figures
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Some data on Unite

Budget allocated for the project by the European Commission


Number of participating countries and agencies, all over the world


Duration of the programme in years


Number of world regions involved (Europe, South-East Asia, Africa)


Number of EU Member States that will carry out operations on the ground with the support of the European agencies and  international organisations

Why it's important
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Environmental crime is among the largest and most profitable transnational criminal activities.

Traffickers perceive environmental crimes as low-risk – high value as they generate high profits with low-risk of detection. Traffickers’ assets are rarely recovered, and only low sanctions are applied. Criminals exploit legal channels for their activities, such as selling wildlife products on well-known online companies (marketplaces, e-commerce) and social media, transporting smuggled goods through cargo, airplanes, or couriers, and keeping financial assets in banks.

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For further information
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Press review and downloadable documents about Unite.

Environmental crime between the EU and South East Asia Report
IAI and UNITE Final Report (2024)
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Downloadable document
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Environmental crime between the EU and South East Asia Report
IAI and UNITE Final Report (2024)
UNITE Operation
Fighting Transnational Waste Trafficking (2024)
Commerce d’animaux exotiques: comment éviter les pièges du trafic illégal ?
UNITE & EUCPN (2023)
Preventing and detecting wildlife trafficking on maritime, aerial and postal/courier transport chains
WWF & Global One Health Alliance (2023)
Successes and Challenges for Wildlife Crime Prosecution in Europe
LIFE SWiPE (2023)
Financial investigations into wildlife and timber trafficking cases in the EU
Le commerce illégal de viande d’animaux sauvages en Europe
WWF (2023)
The illegal wild meat trade in Europe
WWF (2023)
Illegal logging Report
IAI & AMBITUS Final Report (2022)
Environmental crime Report
IAI & AMBITUS Final Report (2022)
The role of France in wildlife trade
Le rôle de la France dans le commerce d’espèces sauvages
Wildlife seizures in the EU (2021)
TRAFFIC report for the European Commission (2021)
The role of parcels control in wildlife trade
WWF-TRAFFIC Report (2021)
Environmental crime Report
IAI & AMBITUS Preliminary Report (2020)
The online trade in reptiles and birds
Wildlife seizures in the EU (2020)
TRAFFIC report for the European Commission (2020)
How technology can help tackling wildlife trafficking
Transport et logistique dans la lutte contre le trafic d’animaux
WWF (2020)
Factsheet – UNITE project in brief
For further information
Discover Unite's actions
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